In today's job market, employers are not just looking for candidates who have technical expertise…

Elevate your resume with active verbs
You probably already know that action verbs are essential to creating a resume with specific, measurable and outcome focussed content, but are all action verbs created equally? We think the answer is no.
Some action verbs like managed, used, completed, and assisted are overused and vague. Not only are they tired, but they also don’t do a great job of helping hiring managers and recruiters understand what you have done, what you’ve accomplished and the value you have brought to previous teams and organisations.
With hiring managers reportedly spending only 6-10 seconds to decide if you are someone they want to know more about, every word, and its meaning counts.
We’ve compiled a list of action verbs that will elevate your resume. When combined with quantified information, you are guaranteed to have a winning bullet point that showcases your skills with clarity and confidence. If you’re not sure how to write a resume that highlights your unique skills and experience, speak to us. We’re the Australian experts in resumes and we’d love to help you land the perfect next job.
The best active verbs for resumes
When you achieved a goal
- Accomplished
- Assembled
- Chaired
- Championed
- Controlled
- Coordinated
- Delivered
- Developed
- Directed
- Drove
- Executed
- Headed
- Initiated
- Managed
- Orchestrated
- Organized
- Oversaw
- Planned
- Produced
- Spearheaded
- Steered
- Strengthened
When you brought an idea to life
- Built
- Created
- Conceptualised
- Conceived
- Designed
- Developed
- Devised
- Founded
- Engineered
- Established
- Formed
- Formulated
- Founded
- Ideated
- Implemented
- Incorporated
- Initiated
- Introduced
- Launched
- Modelled
- Originated
- Pioneered
- Secured
- Sparked
When you changed or improved something
- Adapted
- Converted
- Customized
- Merged
- Modified
- Optimised
- Overhauled
- Redesigned
- Refined
- Refocused
- Reorganized
- Replaced
- Restructured
- Revamped
- Revitalized
- Simplified
- Streamlined
- Updated
- Upgraded
- Transformed
When you championed growth
- Acquired
- Accelerated
- Achieved
- Advanced
- Amplified
- Boosted
- Enhanced
- Expanded
- Furthered
- Gained
- Generated
- Grew
- Improved
- Increased
- Lifted
- Maximised
When you solved a problem
- Critiqued
- Corrected
- Debugged
- Diagnosed
- Identified
- Invented
- Proved
- Rectified
- Recommended
- Reconciled
- Solved
When you brought people or activities together
- Aligned
- Centralised
- Co-authored
- Collaborated
- Cooperated
- Contributed
- Enabled
- Encouraged
- Facilitated
- Forged
- Fostered
- Inspired
- Integrated
- Partnered
- Participated
- Shaped
- Supported
- Teamed up
When you supported or taught others
- Advised
- Advocated
- Arbitrated
- Answered
- Clarified
- Coached
- Consulted
- Counselled
- Demonstrated
- Educated
- Fielded
- Informed
- Intervened
- Motivated
- Referred
- Resolved
When you supervised a team
- Coached
- Cultivated
- Directed
- Empowered
- Evaluated
- Fostered
- Guided
- Hired
- Inspired
- Instructed
- Led
- Mentored
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Recruited
- Supervised
- Taught
- Trained
When you use your creativity
- Authored
- Brainstormed
- Briefed
- Communicated
- Conceptualised
- Curated
- Derived
- Designed
- Drafted
- Edited
- Illustrated
- Imagined
- Influenced
- Intensified
- Modelled
- Proofread
- Prototyped
- Published
- Researched
- Strategised
- Storyboarded
- Translated
- Visualised
- Wrote
When you worked with data or numbers
- Audited
- Budgeted
- Calculated
- Converted
- Crafted
- Documented
- Estimated
- Inventoried
- Programmed
- Projected
- Recorded
- Verified
When you used your analysis or research skills
- Analyzed
- Assembled
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Checked
- Detected
- Deciphered
- Discerned
- Discovered
- Evaluated
- Examined
- Experimented
- Explored
- Evaluated
- Forecasted
- Identified
- Interpreted
- Investigated
- Mapped
- Measured
- Qualified
- Quantified
- Reconciled
- Reviewed
- Searched
- Studied
- Surveyed
- Tested
- Tracked
When you used your technical skills
- Advanced
- Architected
- Analysed
- Automated
- Coded
- Deployed
- Installed
- Networked
- Programmed
- Rewrote
- Refined
- Tested
- Troubleshoot
- Upgraded
When you communicated
- Authored
- Briefed
- Campaigned
- Co-authored
- Composed
- Conveyed
- Convinced
- Corresponded
- Counselled
- Critiqued
- Defined
- Documented
- Edited
- Illustrated
- Instructed
- Lobbied
- Persuaded
- Presented
- Promoted
- Publicized
- Reviewed
- Spoke
When you achieved something or were awarded
- Attained
- Awarded
- Completed
- Demonstrated
- Earned
- Exceeded
- Outperformed
- Reached
- Showcased
- Succeeded
- Surpassed
- Targeted
- Won
When you monitored and controlled something
- Authorized
- Blocked
- Delegated
- Dispatched
- Enforced
- Ensured
- Inspected
- Itemized
- Monitored
- Screened
- Scrutinized
- Verified
When you found efficiencies and cost savings
- Conserved
- Consolidated
- Decreased
- Lessened
- Reduced
- Saved
- Slashed
- Yielded
If you would like help to create a resume that showcases your skills and experience, speak to us. We’re the Australian experts in resumes.
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